Increase International Conversions With a Localized Checkout Experience

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In the realm of online shopping, customers crave familiarity and clarity, especially during the checkout process. However, many international shops falter in providing this essential experience, often leaving customers feeling disconnected.  

When prices and language remain untranslated, customers are left to navigate through unfamiliar territory, which can lead to frustration. Having to manually convert currency adds unnecessary friction, deterring potential buyers from completing their purchases.

Now you can make sure your localization strategy reaches from first touch all the way through your checkout.

Introducing Checkout Currency Localization 

FlavorCloud is proud to announce the launch of checkout currency localization functionality. FlavorCloud brings you global guaranteed delivery promises. And now we bring them in a same currency format. Alongside shipping and landing costs breakdowns, customers can view rates and landed costs in their preferred currency and language. This seamless integration ensures a comfortable and familiar checkout experience, regardless of location. 

Benefits of Seamless Localization 

By adopting localization practices, businesses can expect: 

  • Reduced cart abandonment rates: Clear and familiar pricing encourages customers to proceed with their purchases confidently. 
  • Decreased support inquiries: Transparent pricing leads to fewer instances of customers seeking clarification on charges or requesting refunds. 
  • Expanded market reach: Access previously untapped markets by providing localized currency and rates, effectively breaking down barriers to entry. 


Who Can Utilize This Feature? 

This functionality is readily available to Shopify merchants using Shopify Markets. If you operate a Shopify store, you can easily enable localized currency and rates for each market within your checkout process without any adverse effects on your standard pricing and rates. 


How to Use This Feature?   

If you are a Shopify Merchant using Shopify Markets, you will need to update your FlavorCloud permissions.  


  1. In your Shopify Admin, go to Apps and select FlavorCloud. 
  2. A page will appear asking if you would like to upgrade your FlavorCloud app. Select Upgrade.  

And you are done! You will now have access to a localized checkout.   

If you are a Shopify Merchant not currently using Shopify Markets, you need to enable this feature. Follow Shopify’s Help Documentation on Managing markets. When Shopify Markets is enabled, FlavorCloud will automatically be updated to be able to show localized rates and breakdown of international fees. 


In conclusion, FlavorCloud’s latest feature empowers Shopify Merchants using Shopify Markets to showcase localized rates and landed costs, thus facilitating market expansion. Seize the opportunity to broaden your reach and cater to diverse customer bases by implementing local rates today.  

For businesses committed to expanding their global footprint and enhancing their international customer experience, FlavorCloud offers the tools and expertise to succeed. Contact us today to see how our international shipping solutions can benefit your business.